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What to expect on sunday:
On Sunday afternoons, we gather in-person at 4:00 pm in the upstairs chapel of Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church. We are a small congregation-- usually about 20 people per Sunday-- so you should know it's hard to be a "fly on the wall" in our gatherings. You will be seen, but it will be with care, authenticity and honesty.
Kids are always welcome in our multi-generational gatherings and can help themselves to the crafts and toys from the "Prayground."
Because we follow a collaborative leadership model, every Sunday can look a bit different. The latest info about upcoming gatherings can be found on our home page.
We look forward to seeing you!
For any accessibility concerns, please email info@theroadchurch.ca.
Every Sunday we are committed to gathering in Jesus-centred worship to share Christ's communion table, engage Scripture, pray, and be together. Here's how our hybrid model of pastor-led and volunteer-led Sundays works...
SPECIAL SUNDAYS: Some Sundays are pastor-led Sunday that features live music (about 4 songs), an outside-the-box sermon (about 20 min), communion, and occasionally even pizza to follow. If you are new to The Road, this is a great first stop!
Supper SUNDAYS: Typically the 4th Sunday of each month is a pastor-led Sunday with a simpler vibe along with our monthly potluck. If you are new to The Road, this might be for you if you are looking to get to know folks around a meal and informal table conversation.
long weekend SUNDAYs: No scheduled gatherings.
JAM & PLAN SUNDAYS: Once every 3 months, we have a “Jam & Plan” Sunday. This gathering has three parts-- first we “jam” with some worship music, then we reflect together on the next season’s scriptural themes, then we “plan” as we share ideas for creative liturgical elements and have a chance to sign up for Deeper Together Sundays (and other volunteer roles for the upcoming 3 months).
deeper together SUNDAYS: These are the Sundays that are volunteer-led gatherings with more of a “small group” feel. These Sundays are not about fancy productions, but about authentic sharing from the heart. Going deeper together might look like a…
- prayer gathering (collective art, intercession, meditation, lectio divina, etc.)
- webinar and group discussion
- Bible study or book study series
- service project or field trip (i.e. local engagement with nature or the arts)
- social justice action (i.e. letter writing or education re: faith & justice issues)
Contact us
4612 Varsity Drive, NW
Calgary AB, T3A 1V7