get connected
Our faith formation doesn't happen in isolation from our community-building. Some of our groups at The Road Church grow organically and some are more structured. Some are study based and some focus on really fun shared experiences. If you are interested in joining/leading a small group or for pastoral support or prayer, please contact Jess.

Community Meal Sundays
The good, old potluck will never go out of style. Join us on the last Sunday of the month for food and community and an open table.
Kidzone on Sundays
Learning about our connection to God, ourselves, each other and creation, we focus on Biblical stories, kid-friendly spiritual practices and fun! God's love and grace is often experienced relationally, and our trained volunteers & youth helpers prioritize life-giving relationships in Kidzone. Sunday gatherings begin with all-ages worship, then children are dismissed to Kidzone before the sermon.
Jr. Kidzone - Age 3 to early elementary school
Sr. Kidzone - Mid elementary to gr.5
Sixth graders are special! They are a part of the Road Youth but also have the option to participate in Kidzone on Sundays- best of both worlds!
Nursery - infants & toddlers stay with their caregivers

Road Youth
For all youth grades 6 to 12. God has made us for relationship – with our Heavenly Parent and with each other. Together, let's discover God’s unique purpose for your life based on the way God has shaped you.
Road Youth is lead by our student intern from Ambrose University and is built on a rotating family hosting model. Once a month, the youth spend time in a different family's home enoying spiritual encouragement, snacks and games.
Small Groups
Groups coming this fall...
- Creative Collective- meet once a month to share your creative works and be inspired by others. Optional opportunities to contribute creative liturgical elements for Sunday services.
- The Inconvenient Indian Book Club (with a video series created by Indigenous Ministry friends from Manitoba)
- Rotating Dinner Club- food and fellowship with hosts changing up monthly
- Podcast Deep Dive- for the intellectual wrestlers
- Hearts Exchanged- Alberta South cohort with Lantern Church- learning & action journey about reconciliation with Indigenous communities
- or start your own group!
Sign-Up Sundays are Sept 11 & 18, 2022 (or join mid-session)

U of C Students
We are hoping to launch some on-campus meals and Bible studies this year...stay tuned!
If you are far from home and looking for some of that "sense of home", email Jess to connect with a family in our community to perhaps share a meal or a coffee visit.
Service Sunday
Our next service Sunday is sandwich-making for a local shelter on October 16, 2022.